SetQuery($sql); $dsql->Execute(); while($row = $dsql->GetArray()) { $str=$row["Type"]; $str=substr($str,5,strlen($str)-6); $a=explode(",",$str); //var_dump($a);var_dump($area);exit; for($i=0;$i".strval($a[$i]).""; } if (!in_array($area, $a) && $area!="") { die("提示信息"); exit(); } } $channelid = (isset($channelid) && is_numeric($channelid) ? $channelid : 0); //if($tid==0 && $channelid==0) die(" Request Error! "); //if($tid==0 && $channelid==0) die(""); if($tid==0 && $channelid==0) die("提示信息"); if(isset($TotalResult)) $TotalResult = intval(preg_replace("/[^\d]/", '', $TotalResult)); if(isset($area)) //如果指定了内容模型ID但没有指定栏目ID,那么自动获得为这个内容模型的第一个顶级栏目作为频道默认栏目 if(!empty($channelid) && empty($tid)) { $tinfos = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT,ch.issystem FROM `#@__arctype` tp LEFT JOIN `#@__channeltype` ch ON WHERE tp.channeltype='$channelid' And tp.reid=0 order by sortrank asc"); if(!is_array($tinfos)) die(" No catalogs in the channel! "); $tid = $tinfos['id']; } else { $tinfos = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT ch.issystem FROM `#@__arctype` tp LEFT JOIN `#@__channeltype` ch ON WHERE'$tid' "); } if($tinfos['issystem']==-1) { $nativeplace = ( (empty($nativeplace) || !is_numeric($nativeplace)) ? 0 : $nativeplace ); $infotype = ( (empty($infotype) || !is_numeric($infotype)) ? 0 : $infotype ); if(!empty($keyword)) $keyword = FilterSearch($keyword); $cArr = array(); if(!empty($nativeplace)) $cArr['nativeplace'] = $nativeplace; if(!empty($infotype)) $cArr['infotype'] = $infotype; if(!empty($keyword)) $cArr['keyword'] = $keyword; include(DEDEINC."/arc.sglistview.class.php"); $lv = new SgListView($tid,$cArr); } else { include(DEDEINC."/arc.listview.class.php"); $lv = new ListView($tid,$area); //对设置了会员级别的栏目进行处理 if(isset($lv->Fields['corank']) && $lv->Fields['corank'] > 0) { require_once(DEDEINC.'/memberlogin.class.php'); $cfg_ml = new MemberLogin(); if( $cfg_ml->M_Rank < $lv->Fields['corank'] ) { $dsql->Execute('me' , "SELECT * FROM `#@__arcrank` "); while($row = $dsql->GetObject('me')) { $memberTypes[$row->rank] = $row->membername; } $memberTypes[0] = "游客或没权限会员"; $msgtitle = "你没有权限浏览栏目:{$lv->Fields['typename']} !"; $moremsg = "这个栏目需要 ".$memberTypes[$lv->Fields['corank']]." 才能访问,你目前是:".$memberTypes[$cfg_ml->M_Rank]." !"; include_once(DEDETEMPLATE.'/plus/view_msg_catalog.htm'); exit(); } } } function remove_quote(&$str) { if(preg_match("/^\'/",$str)) { $str=substr($str, 1, strlen($str)-1); } if(preg_match("/\'$/",$str)) { $str = substr($str, 0, strlen($str)-1); } return $str; } if($lv->IsError) ParamError(); $lv->Display();